Welcome to Gimp to Go!

Hello, This is a spot for Gimp users who haven't seen Gimp in action or are curious about Gimp. We are looking for contributors who would like to post their artwork that they have made with GIMP. If you are interested in becoming a contributor please e-mail me at 1278justin,gmail.com If you are not a GIMP user you can download GIMP and get information on it at the GIMP Website which is www.gimp.org We hope you enjoy this blog, I also have made it so anybody can post comments but you must verify yourself with by typing in the correct characters in the CAPTCHA box.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Hello Gimpers!

The Blog is well under way and perhaps the most challenging part is yet to come. The goal is to keep "you" interrested and help you learn as well. Now, by no means am I a "Gimpspecialist" and as I stated, 60% of what I don't know, I am also trying to learn. However, I know enough to get me through and it's that amount of knowledge that I would like to use to help newbies. I know, you go to the site, you search on Google, you ask around and "usually" you don't get something you understand for an answer. Usually you are left scratching your head and buying a new keyboard due to the beating it probably took while trying to get answers.

Here I want it to be different. I want people to have a clear understanding of functions, so, if you are a more advanced Gimpie, please do NOT answer newbies in a way that shows your superiority , something like : E=mc2 x 3.14 divided by the total sum of transparency....please keep it simple, in this blog I stick to the rule of -THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A DUMB QUESTION- and I aim to keep this standard. We all must start from dirt and work our way out and everyone learns differently.

On that note: If you must give a simple answer, please don't be overly simple or too blunt either in a way of superiority, something like: How do I use transparency? "Uh, Adjust it?" No no, this won't do, please explain an answer as well as possible without the two issues mentioned. Sarcasm and hot headedness will not be tolerated , nor will slang\swearing, etc...you will be deleted and perhaps if kept up, blocked for good. I know, i'm a big ol' meaner. "My almost 2 year old daughter says that to my older boys when they make her mad" Yaw a meana.

So, if anyone has anything valuable to add, tricks , tips, even if more advanced, we will try to explain as best we can. Enjoy!

Paul "comicfan2000" ADMIN

P.S. I have some clickable thumbs to the right that you can view of some of my work. Some of it older some newer. Also, if you ABSOLUTELY need to e-mail me, why I don't know, maybe just to let me know how you like the blog or because you are bored, errr..extremely bored , I have an old email that has no ties to me but for whatever reason it' s on the server so i'll use it ;) comicfan@charter.net

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